Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Enzyme: Cells

This is a picture of my saliva. After a person eats a lot of saliva builds up in the mouth. This is due to the enzyme salivary amylase. The enzyme breaks down carbohydrates into smaller chains of sugars. An enzyme could serve the function of being a catalyst or break down substances. The salivary glands produce a lot of salivary amylase after you eat because left over food is left in the mouth that was not digested so the enzyme breaks it down. The work inside of the cells in your mouth is being done by enzymes at any given time.

1 comment:

  1. +4/5 - You are almost there with your explanation! Your definition of an enzyme is correct, however, your definition of what amylase does is not completely correct. The breakdown of food occurs as soon as food is put in the mouth chemically with amylase and mechanically through chewing.
